6 Really Good Reasons Why Your Auto Dealership Needs To Unlock Facebook

Aug 7, 2015 | Social Media

We all know social networking sites have flourished over the last few years. But did you know that in just one minute, 1,730,000,000 users will send 104 thousand images through Snapchat, post 20 thousand pictures on Tumblr, and upload 2.46 million posts on Facebook?

In the current whirlwind of social media, do you know the one channel that’s best for your automotive social media marketing strategy?

6 Reasons Why Your Auto Dealership Needs To Unlock Facebook

Spoiler alert: it’s Facebook.

The truth is in the numbers. In a September 2014 study, the Pew Research Center declared Facebook the number one online social network, with over 40 percent of all Americans logging in to the social network every day.

Better yet, Forbes found that an incredible 84 percent of all automotive shoppers are on Facebook, and 24 percent have used the networking site as a resource to purchase their last vehicle.

But astoundingly, very few dealerships use Facebook as a fundamental part of their integrated marketing strategy.

Car manufacturers including Hyundai and Ford Motor have embraced social media and spend tens of millions of dollars on sophisticated marketing campaigns. Yet many of their local dealers barely maintain a Facebook page.”
The NY Times, “The Gap Between Auto Dealers and Social Media”

If you’re waiting for someone to light the Facebook fire under your dealership, this blog article should do the trick. Here are 6 really good reasons your auto dealership needs to unlock Facebook for Business:

1. 38% of consumers will consult social media before making their next car purchase.

That’s a lot of In-Market Car Shoppers. And since Millennials are known for their love of technology and social networks, it’s likely they make up a good chunk of that 38%.


Stats quoted in a recent study from the CMO Council indicate that Millennials have finally fought their way to a financial state that justifies auto ownership, and analysts believe that they will make up 40% of the next decade’s auto purchases. That said, here are a few more facts about Millennials:

In-Market Millennials Are On Facebook

2. You can “trick” your customers into engaging with your dealership.

Okay, we use the term “trick” lightly. But think about it: on Facebook, users are already communicating and engaging with the posts of the people they know personally. They Like their photos, comment on their updates, and write them one-to-one messages and comments—interactions that every marketer dreams of.

For dealers, that dream can be a reality! Entertaining, not-too-salesy content will bare every resemblance to the posts they are most familiar with, and is likely to get effortless engagement from your customers.

Entertaining, unsalesy posts on FB resembles what customers are most familiar with & will get easy engagement.
 Click to Tweet

Simply add great, engaging content to the mix of your customers’ current posts on the News Feed, and watch the interactions roll in. (Facebook users don’t question who has posted the funny car picture before they Like it; they just Like it, regardless of the logo on the side!)

Remember: once an initial connection is made between your dealership and your customers, you’ve won the first half of the automotive marketing battle. Now you just need to make sure your posts are always engaging, and always seen on the News Feed.

3. Advertising with Facebook can target auto shoppers better than any other advertising channel.

We’re not talking “Like” campaigns or mere Boosted posts. Facebook has taken massive leaps in advertising as of late, especially for auto dealers.

New Way For Auto Dealers To Advertise On Facebook

Plus, automotive Facebook ads have been proven to increase visits to brand and model websites, increase brand search activity, and decrease competitive brand search and website activity.

4. Facebook was built for its users, but is improving for its Businesses.

Facebook works just as hard to please its Businesses as it does to please its users—if not even harder. Facebook for Business is how Facebook gets its revenue, after all.

In just the past two months, Facebook has released two new features that give customers more of what they want from Businesses, and more ways for Businesses to get their content to customers.

The first of these features allows you to greet people visiting your dealership with an alert at the top of their Facebook News Feed about your dealership’s next sales event, a special offer, or a welcome note.

Sound interesting? Read the article: Why Your Dealership Needs A Facebook Bluetooth® Beacon

The second feature gives you the opportunity to have your dealership’s posts show on your customer’s News Feed every time they visit Facebook.

5. Facebook can serve as your blog, with half the trouble and all of the SEO opportunities.

Blogs are one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and establish authority. However, blogs are time consuming to create and update, and you have to work diligently to build a dedicated list of subscribers.

Luckily, Facebook is a much easier alternative than starting a blog, and is just as beneficial for your SEO. You can place your dealership’s high-ranking keywords throughout your profile, photos, and updates in order to trigger search engines when prospects search for particular terms. Since Facebook is the leading social network, you’ll have a huge step-up in rankings.

6. You can get real insight about real customer experiences, in real time.

This is our favorite part about Facebook, and it should be your dealership’s, too. The biggest advantage that social media has brought to businesses is the opportunity for constant two-way communication, and a chance for real-time reputation management.

Customer satisfaction is so heavily dependent upon how quickly a company replies to a complaint or an issue, whether by phone, email, or social media. With Facebook, you have the opportunity to manage your not-so-happy customers quickly and effectively, while energetically engaging and rewarding your happy customers.

Facebook Customer Service Facts

As cited in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services:

Not incorporating social networks as a part of the marketing mix [can be] not only poor customer service, but also a surefire way to lose customers.”

Remember, the core of social media is being sociable. Your followers, customers, and audience can easily become your most powerful marketers and advocates. Impeccable two-way communication between your customers and your dealership can generate more leads and ultimately more sales opportunities.

Overall, using Facebook is an effective means of reaching customers and emotionally attaching them to your dealership. It’s time to start thinking of Facebook as your dealership’s second website, and—more importantly—treating it as such.

Blog Author - Brooke Jensen

Written By Brooke Jensen
Brooke handles all of Dealers United’s digital marketing. In addition to her love for design and copy, Brooke also adores her two dog-like kittens, playing the electric violin, and walking barefoot around the office.

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Dealers United is a game-changing automotive company dedicated to helping auto dealers improve their dealerships. We have helped over 6,500 dealers nationwide cut costs, save time, and sell more cars.

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