[PRESS RELEASE] Dealers United’s Facebook Ad Program Awarded Ringling Innovation Award

Sep 14, 2018 | Company and Events, Digital Marketing

SARASOTA, Fla., September 14, 2018 (Newswire.com) — On Thursday, September 13th, 2018, Dealers United was awarded the Fourth Annual Ringling College Innovation by Creative Design Award, a collaboration of the Economic Development Corp. (EDC) of Sarasota County and the Ringling College of Art and Design.

This year’s Ringling College Innovation by Design Award went to Dealers United for developing a solution for car dealerships that uses targeted Facebook ads to help save dealers time, cut costs and sell more cars.

The award recognizes Dealers United’s use of creative innovation to develop a product over the past five years, address a market need that has since demonstrated financial success, and generate a majority of its revenues from outside Sarasota County.

The product nominated, “Facebook Inventory + VIN Lead Ads,” helps automotive dealerships easily transform their vehicle inventory into ads that are delivered across Facebook and Instagram.

Using third and first-party data, complex machine learning, and dynamic ad formats, the program helps auto dealers connect the right car, to the right consumer, at the right time.

Watch how it works in this video:

A quick overview of how Facebook Inventory + VIN Lead Ads work, and why the solution was created.

“Companies like Autotrader and Cars.com have similar technologies, but require the dealer to buy back any leads the ads generate,” said Pete Petersen, CEO of Dealers United.

“Most dealers you run into don’t have the development or marketing teams required to set up their own feeds inside of Facebook; it’s definitely not easy to do yourself. But we have a team of engineers here – from USF, Ringling, New College – who are helping us build software specific for small businesses. We’re giving them the same power and tools that the big guys have…saving costs for those dealerships along the way.”

A few members of #TeamDU, including Lead Developer Bill Yanelli and Phillip Anderson, COO, who spearheaded the development and technology behind the program.

Riding the trend of using social ads to reach more consumers, Facebook Inventory + VIN Lead Ads have quickly become accepted as one of the most powerful ways a dealership can generate vehicle interest and leads.

Since its inception in 2017, the program has grown beyond direct-to-dealer business and is now launching as a white-labeled solution available through other agencies and automotive industry ventures.

The Ringling College award, presented by college president Larry Thompson, is given annually to an individual or company who has used creativity in design to successfully solve market problems – Source: The Herald Tribune

Today, Dealers United holds the greatest number of automotive success stories published by Facebook Business, has been deemed a Top-Tier Facebook Partner and Top 10 Facebook Automotive Agency, and is 1 of 9 Oracle Elite Data Marketing Partners.

For more information on Dealers United’s Facebook Inventory + VIN Lead Ads solution, visit www.www.dealersunited.com/inventoryads.

Blog Author - Brooke Jensen

Written By Brooke Jensen
Brooke handles all of Dealers United’s digital marketing. In addition to her love for design and copy, Brooke also adores her two dog-like kittens, playing the electric violin, and walking barefoot around the office.

Who is Dealers United?

Dealers United is a game-changing automotive company dedicated to helping auto dealers improve their dealerships. We have helped over 6,500 dealers nationwide cut costs, save time, and sell more cars.

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