Dealers United Partner Generation Kia Featured By Facebook Business For Resiliency During Pandemic

Company and Events, Social Media

 ???? Congratulations to Lydia and the Generation Kia team! You are leaders in your community and we are proud to call ourselves your partners!

Generation Kia was recently featured by Facebook Business for their resiliency during COVID-19 and how they quickly used Facebook Ads to adapt their business and keep their doors open.

View Generation Kia’s published story live on Facebook Business here.

A Unique Feature As A Facebook “Resilient Business”

Being featured by Facebook Business is an honor that few companies achieve, but being featured in a new area called “Resilient Business Stories” is a unique honor.

So far, Generation Kia is one of only a handful of businesses to be featured by Facebook for resilient business, and is one of the few local companies.

In fact, the other featured resilient businesses included national and international brands and athletics organizations such as Penn State Athletics, Planet Fitness, and Threadless.

Did you know? Dealers United has had 4 other dealer-partners featured by Facebook Business. Check their stories out here!

The reason Generation Kia was selected?

They used a unique Facebook Ads strategy to not only drive sales and service revenue, but truly help their community and set themselves apart.

Generation Kia’s Story: Connecting With Community

The dealership faced many of the same challenges as other auto dealers across the nation in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Generation Kia immediately responded to the crisis by unleashing a full playbook of ads displayed on Facebook and Instagram that would keep them front and center in the community until the market opened back up.

These ads included:

  • Remote buying and at-home vehicle service options
  • Available inventory
  • Brand awareness and safety updates
  • Current OEM incentives from Kia, such as 0% APR for up to 72 months


Using this full-funnel strategy from March 1st to April 30th, the dealership was able to drive 252 leads at $21.35 Cost Per Lead, and 42 vehicle sales matched to Facebook Ads via Offline Conversion Events.

Click here to download the full case study and get an inside peek into the ad campaigns Generation Kia ran during COVID-19.

In addition to these digital retailing ads, the dealership also emphatically proved themselves to be a leader in their community by creating an ad campaign on Facebook and offering all healthcare workers oil changes and vehicle sanitizations, completely free of charge.

From April to May, the dealership ran the above Click to Messenger ad campaign, driving 48 Messenger conversations at $9.90 Cost Per Conversation, 13 leads, 109 reactions, 25 comments, and 26 shares.

The campaign had tremendous success, setting themselves up for future business in their community and building loyalists moving forward.

“We may not be selling these people vehicles right now, but providing a favorable experience in the dealership and continuing to message them will keep us top of mind when they’re ready to buy.”

— Lydia Mediaville, Marketing Manager, Generation Kia

How Dealers United Is Helping Auto Dealerships Stay Resilient

During the pandemic, Dealers United has been working closely with its dealer-partners to help them quickly adapt their messaging as we navigate this fluid situation.

We created multiple COVID Ad Playbooks to give dealers multiple strategies to combat the effects of the current crisis, including:

  • “We’re Open” ads for service and sales departments
  • Ads bringing awareness to remote sales and service options
  • OEM incentive ads
  • “Unlock the Demand” campaigns to help auto shoppers understand that now is a great time to buy
  • Buy back / Trade keys ads to replenish low inventory

To learn more about these playbooks and other success stories of dealerships who used Facebook to stay ahead during the pandemic, visit our COVID-19 Resources Page here.

Looking for more COVID-19 Resources to help your dealership?

Click Here

Blog Author - Drew Detweiler

Written By Drew Detweiler
Drew manages inbound and outbound marketing for Dealers United. When he’s not at work, he’s probably enjoying the outdoors, fishing, or eating.