Not All Clicks On Your Automotive Facebook Ads Are Created Equal
What is the difference between a Click, a Landing Page View, an Outbound Click, and a Unique Outbound Click on your Facebook Ads? Hear from our in-house Facebook Blueprint Certified expert, Ava Pandeloglou, and our CEO, Pete Petersen, to help clarify.
Facebook Ad Click or Landing Page View? Which Matters Most In Automotive?
Have you ever looked at the results from an ad campaigns and noticed more Clicks than Landing Page Views?
Although all Landing Page Views are the result of Clicks, not all Clicks result in a Landing Page View.
Hear from our in-house expert Ava explain the difference:
Facebook Click Metrics Explained For Car Dealers:
Here are a couple Facebook metric definitions in layman’s terms:
- Click: Any “click” action taken your ads (includes Likes and Comments)
- Landing Page View: The number of times a user clicks on an ad and then successfully loaded the destination webpage. (This is the metric we deem the strongest indicator of ‘Click’ engagement.
- Unique Click: The number of different, or “unique,” users that clicked an ad. This will be a lower # than your “Clicks,” because “Clicks” will include if a single user clicked multiple times
- Outbound Click: The number of clicks that take users off Facebook-owned pages
- Unique Outbound Click: The number of different, or “unique,” users that clicked an ad that took them off Facebook-owned pages.
As you can see, not all clicks are created equal!
How To Breakdown Your Facebook Ad Metrics
So which metrics have you been paying attention to? And more importantly, which metrics has your ad agency been reporting on?
In this short video, CEO Pete Petersen, walks through how Dealers United reports on your Facebook Ad clicks, and how to read your reports like a pro.
Want to learn more about what it takes to set up and run profitable Facebook Ads? Click here to get the “Facebook Automotive Playbook For Dealers,” and get access to everything you need to know!