3 Things To Try On Your Dealership’s Next Facebook Post
I’m sure you’ve heard it before: Facebook’s algorithms are making it difficult for your dealership’s organic, or unpaid posts on your Page, to reach pretty much anyone. That being said (and like with most things), there are ways to beat the system.
Your audience is full of individuals with varying browsing habits. To please them all, you need to fill your feed with a variety of posts from pictures, video, links and plain old text.
It doesn’t matter what your store likes, it’s all about what your audience is interested in. If you’re not posting things they want to see, you’re NOT going to reach their Newsfeed.
We’ve found 3 things you need to try on your dealership’s next Facebook post to gain more organic exposure: be interesting, be strategic, and mix it up!
BE INTERESTING: Finding Great Content For Sharing Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult.
So what is shareworthy material anyway? According to Marketing Land, there are 3 things that can make your content “shareworthy:”
One of the best places to find interesting Facebook content is Twitter. The Twitter feed moves much faster than Facebook’s, so if you’re able to keep up, you’re likely going to be the first one sharing.
If you don’t have an account, create one. Then follow as many automotive thought leaders, OEMs, media outlets, and automotive bloggers as you can. Doing so will give you strong inspiration on what to post next on your dealership’s Facebook Page.
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Now, with an arsenal full of inspiring automotive content at your fingertips, you will always have something to share with your Facebook friends that they are likely to have never seen.
Not a fan of the tweet? That’s okay—there are still plenty of places to find shareable content out there. All you really need to do is wake up, read what you love, and then share those things with other people who will love them.
This could be your morning paper, your favorite automotive magazine, a recently read study or an interesting blog post. If you find it consumable, it’s likely that your network will too.
To be great on Facebook, you don’t always have to create great content, you just need to find it. Content curation can work well, as long as it’s interesting.
Other places to find great content to share on your dealership’s page:
Automotive Resources
- Automotive News
- CBT News
- DrivingSales News
- TopSpeed
- Automotive Groups on LinkedIn
- Automotive Topics on LinkedIn
Miscellaneous Resources
BE STRATEGIC: Timing And Frequency Actually Matter
When it comes to Facebook posts, timing and frequency have a dramatic impact on specific metrics like reach and engagement. Posting to your dealership’s page 1x a week won’t cut it. You actually need to put some thought and effort into when and how often you’re posting.
Treat your audience the same way you’d want to be treated…you want to hear from your friends, but not ALL day every day. You’re also more inclined to pay attention to those friends who contact you regularly, opposed to the ones who just contact you when they need something.
Set Up a Blog Today found the best practices around time and frequency for posting on social media. Here is what they found for posting on Facebook:
Social media is not unlike regular media when it comes to people’s viewing behaviors. Half of your audience will be bucketed as morning people (the same people who probably love watching the morning news) and the other half will be your night owls (people who would prefer The Late Show).
Keep this in mind when deciding what times to post on behalf of your dealership. Mixing it up a little bit won’t hurt.
MIX IT UP: Don’t Post The Same Boring Content, Ask Questions
If you’re just posting inventory to your dealership’s Facebook page, we can guarantee that you are severely hurting your organic score. When it comes to organic reach, Facebook wants to make sure you’re posting things people care about AND react to. Inventory isn’t that interesting, but it can be.
Making your dealership posts interesting is easy. All you need to do is ask questions that are “built for social:” something anyone can answer immediately and with minimal effort (or button clicks).
On Facebook, asking why, like, “Why do you love Honda?” can take deep thought—more thought than most people want to give waiting in traffic or while waiting for their morning coffee.
On the contrary, asking when, which, who or how many is quick, simple, and doesn’t take a lot of brainpower to answer. Asking these types of questions also shines light on your network and what they prefer.
With so many changes being made to the Facebook platform on a daily basis, it seems like they’re continually trying to make it more difficult for your dealership to “win” the organic game.
In order to be successful, you’ll need to dedicate real time and thought behind your Facebook posts. Make sure you’re following these three tips: be interesting, strategic and change it up.
Don’t have the time to increase your organic reach? You may want to consider Facebook Advertising, where the experts take on the challenge of reaching In-Market Shoppers near you!
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